Python: a recursive list

Yili Shih
Nov 15, 2021


# 基本主題: 巢狀式 nested list列表, append語法, index 冒號或尾巴-1等變化用法

# 變化題: 將自己(list) append 到自己 叫做 self-referencing list 自我參照的(recursive 遞迴式)list

# What happens when you append a list to itself
# By appending a list to itself, you create a self-referencing list.
# This is denoted by the ellipsis ([…]). 省略表示法
# It’s like a recursive function (without a break condition). 好比是一個遞迴式的函數

#許多範例網站的list操作 實在太簡單了,這題有點複雜




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